Saturday, February 21, 2009

Aravind Adiga

Of course, The White Tiger won the Booker. And deservedly so. His writing is edgy and captures the contemporary scene in India, post-globalization and call centers. His recent novellette in New Yorker ( ) continues the wildlife theme with the title - The Elephant.

If I understand him right, he seems resigned to the stratification of socio-economic classes with one notable exception - the really intelligent villager or slumdog who by dint of smarts outwits the glass and steel ceilings to break free and bubble up into frothy riches. I certainly see a theme running through his stories and a story like Slumdog Millionaire. A combination of healthy curiosity, intelligence and luck by chance seems to propel the protoganist to reaching their destiny.

Talking of books, I was wondering if there would be sufficient interest in starting an eclectic "discussion" club which might include a session on a topical book every so often. My zipcode of choice is 08540. Let me know if there is interest and I shall tabulate a quorum.

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